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Skin Rejuvenation

Skin rejuvenation includes various treatments that aim to restore your skin from any damage. Skin damage could be a result of sun exposure, an underlying health condition, or a normal sign of aging.

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Intense Pulse Light (IPL) facials Lumecca

Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. After just one use, patients notice significant improvements in the complexion and clarity of the skin. Lumecca operates using photothermolysis, which provides a photofacial through the delivery of a comfortable light treatment.

What sets Lumecca apart?
The technology in Lumecca uses a higher peak power in order to deliver a stronger result, which leads to fewer treatments than other IPL machines on the market.

What are the benefits?
In just 1-3 sessions Lumecca improves the appearance of:

  •  Age spots (red/brown pigmentations)
  • Vascular lesions such as facial telangiectasias (spider
    veins) and poikiloderma
  • Rosacea (redness)
  • Freckles
  • Sun damage
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Laser Hair Removal



Diolaze is an advanced laser hair removal procedure that safely and gently eliminates unwanted hair.

Diolaze has one of the largest treatment spot sizes, making treatments convenient and fast.

The combination of efficacy, patient comfort and speed makes Diolaze the leader in laser hair removal.

Powerful enough to target and treat even the most stubborn hair.

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Radio Frequency Microneedling

Morpheus 8

Morpheus is a specially designed treatment regimen that helps to restore your skin and eliminate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

This technology utilizes microneedling and radiofrequency energies to help recontour your Face and stimulate collagen production from cells that lie deeper in your tissue.

Morpheus is a great approach because the increased collagen production can last far longer than simple dermal fillers and allows for your results to continue to improve over the course of a few weeks.

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The Doxwel Duo is committed to bringing you the best in wellness and rejuvenation

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